站点图标 澳洲能保证成绩的靠谱代写机构


许多学者通过不同的方法研究腐败,以了解腐败如何影响一个国家的表现;首先要考虑的是塞缪尔·亨廷顿建立的“现代化理论”。他说,“腐败可能比其他人更普遍在某些文化中,似乎更强烈的现代化和期间反映出他们的政治现代化和政治发展的差异”现代化亨廷顿提出的论文表明,现代化涉及改变一个社会的基本价值;他指的是特定的行为是合法的,但成为无法忍受的和腐败的通过现代的眼睛,因此,教育水平为公民提供一个更关键的情况下要求一个负责和有效的政府,但是它有助于腐败通过生成新的财富和权力来源,新的法律将腐败的机会,从而增加了暴力的能力。理解“文化方法”这篇文章首先理解文化”存款的知识、经验、信仰、价值观、态度、意义、层次结构、宗教、观念的时候,角色、空间关系、宇宙的概念,实物和财产被一群人代过程中通过个人和群体奋斗”Abdiweli, M和Isse说,h(2003)确定了腐败的因素通过检查等与腐败有关的因素,如教育、政治制度、国家的类型,种族、司法效率、政治自由,和各国政府解释差异的大小,以及这些行为被认为是腐败在西方被认为是发展中国家传统的送礼。


Many scholars have studied corruption through different approaches in order to understand how corruption affects the performance of a country; the first approach to consider is the “Modernization Thesis” established by Samuel Huntington. He stated that “Corruption may be more prevalent in some cultures than others and seem to be more intense during the period of modernization and reflect their differences in political modernization and political development” The Modernization Thesis proposed by Huntington suggests that modernization involves a change in the basic values of a society; he refers to certain behaviours that were legitimate but became intolerable and corrupt when viewed through modern eyes, consequently, the fact that levels of education provide citizens with a more critical view of situations to demand an accountable and efficient government, however it contributes to corruption by generating new sources of wealth and power where new laws multiply opportunities for corruption and hence increase the capacity for violence.To comprehend the “cultural approach” this essay first understand culture as “The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving”Abdiweli, M and Said Isse, H. (2003) identified the determinants of corruption by examining on factors related to corruption such as such as education, political regimes, the type of the state, ethnicity, judicial efficiency, political freedom, and the size of government to explain the differences across countries and how those actions considered corruption in the west are considered traditional gift giving in developing countries.
