站点图标 澳洲能保证成绩的靠谱代写机构




Therefore aggression is not a universal thing since there are some cultures which are peaceful. For these reason humans are not born violent simply because not all people are violent. It’s also true that men who are very primitive are not war like; war like character has increased among the modern men. One can choose to be violent or peaceful and a good example is Sweden which in the past years was a violent nation but at the moments it’s rated among peaceful industrialized nation. On addition violence and war has a lot to do with politics, personal interest as well as the social setting therefore this practice has little to do with nature.The fact that war is a dominant aspect of our history does not men that war is part of a humane nature. Therefore whether we believe that we are naturally violent or not it’s our decision. The belief is still rooted in our society and the many controversies about the same will still continue. Finally everyone has a responsibility to make a rightful decision. Therefore one can choose to be peaceful or violent because there is much knowledge that is bestowed upon humanity to make the rightful decision. Our bad choices and character should not be excused in the name of nature because them that succumb of this ill remain in a state of confusion as they keep wondering about the turn of things. Life is precious and peace is a wonderful experience that every sensible person may ever long for.

