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In today's world Technology is necessary in every aspect of live as it has changed and evolved the very world we live in. Technology has impacted youth of the 21st century as well as the adults, who are going through the era of simplicity into robotic evolution. But today's Ted Talk will mainly focus on the effects of technology on mainly youth. But many benefits of technology have been seen as years have passed, for example discoveries in all mechanical industries, efficiency of business work, advancement's in medical care and many more. Side effects that is evident when you here technology,  deficiency in child thinking and social skills , privacy is at risk , climate change and the most worrying is the laziness in humans. Technology has never been so improved and developed in the history of humanity since the invention of the first wheel to now the era of virtual reality. I personally believe that technology, being used by anyone is not harmful at all but it does not affect a person until someone misuses it for their own sake or benefit.In today's world the youth run the technology and technology is its main target, the relationship between them is vice versa and none of them can stay without each other, note that I am not talking about a person but rather about a no living thing but now in this era these technological things are given more importance than actual living human beings.
