站点图标 澳洲能保证成绩的靠谱代写机构


美国艺术协会的一份报告称,经常参加艺术活动的年轻人(每周3天、每天3小时、一整年)获得学术成就的可能性是其他人的4倍。比不参加的孩子们参加数学和科学展览,或因为写论文或诗歌而获奖。(林奇,g . 2012)。当艺术在学校时,学生们更放松,因为通过艺术他们可以表达他们的想法,感觉更休息。现在我们的人际关系被打破,因为人们喜欢他们的电脑或使用互联网。但这可能会在整个艺术领域发生改变。艺术是我们事物和感情的大门。很多人不能很好地与语言相处,这是因为当他们还是孩子的时候,他们不能表达自己的感受,但如果我们教会孩子们其他的方式来表达他们的感受,我们可以改善人际关系。舞蹈编导戴安娜·f·格林(2015)“像舞蹈一样的艺术用身体作为一种工具”身体可以是一种表达情感的形式,通过这种方式他们可以提高他们的情商。


A report by Americans for the Arts states that young people who participate regularly in the arts (three hours a day on three days each week through one full year) are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. To participate in a math and science fair or to win an award for writing an essay or poem than children who do not participate. (Lynch, G. 2012). When the art is in the schools the students are more relaxed because across of art they can express their ideas and feel more rested.Nowadays our interpersonal relationship is broken because the people prefer their computer or use internet. But this can change across the art. Art is the door of our things and feelings. Many people cannot have a good relationship with words, this was because when they was children cannot express their feelings but if we teach kids others ways to express their feelings we can improve the interpersonal relationship. According to choreographer, Diana F. Green (2015) "Art like dance uses the body as an instrument" the body could be a form to express their feelings and for this way they improving their emotional intelligence.

