站点图标 澳洲能保证成绩的靠谱代写机构




The current issues in education nowadays which is about the opportunity of students that learn in private institutions in getting job have been discuss and we look this issues as an important issues in our education in Malaysia. First of all, private education can be defined as an education where parents need to pay for rather than free education that was provided by the government. It is also known as an education that was provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or public body. It means that it is not operated by the government. Private education often occurs among people who have high economy status.
It has many private education institutions in our country and this education institutions is classified as private because it is controlled and managed by a non-governmental organization like Church, Trade Union or business enterprise or its Governing Board consist mostly of members not selected by a public agency. Usually this institution was established by the coalition of corporate bodies which make an investment towards these institutions. But many private institutions receive public subsidies especially in the form of tax breaks and students loans from the government.
