Marketing Essay 代写: 支持者计划执行的策略

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Marketing Essay 代写: 支持者计划执行的策略






Marketing Essay 代写: 支持者计划执行的策略

This chapter will include a clear discussion on the marketing strategies that the proponents plan to execute for the first 5 years of business operation in Singapore. Specific marketing strategies that include SMART objectives will be used to acquire the desired market share. It will also include the specific target market and positioning statement of the proposed product.

The proponents have decided to target the age group of male and female18 years old and above in the whole country of Singapore. Based on our GMID research, this age group accounts for more than 3.6 million of the total population in year 2010 and it is forecasted to increase to more than 4 million in year 2015. Singaporeans give much importance to their health. They become increasingly health-conscious, as expenditure in health sector remain strong the more this sector is viewed with high importance. Aside from ageing population of Singaporeans, it is also becoming a trend to the young generation (18 years old and above) to practice living healthily through taking health supplements and doing other health and wellness activities. The age group (18 yrs old and above) lives a busy lifestyle. They are active in different activities and are more prone in acquiring diseases.

Trends in taking health supplements are now shifting to bigger target consumers. Children are now also advised by their parents to take food supplements especially those who are entering the real world industry. This is due to the fact that parents worry that their children are not getting enough nutrients because of the hectic lifestyle today.

Due to the company's dominance in vitamins and dietary supplements, Cerebos Pacific Ltd was ranked first with a value share of 5% in 2009 within overall consumer healthcare. This was mainly because the brand name became the first choice of the consumers. The market started to purchase their product because the company was able to establish good reputation among their consumers in providing quality products. In addition, its wide range of products catering to consumers from the young to the elderly contributed to its success in vitamins and dietary supplements.

Cerebos Pacific Ltd positions itself in the high-end of the product categories. The establishment of its brands ensures that consumers remain willing to purchase their products.


