
7年前 425次浏览 澳洲法学论文代写:犯罪已关闭评论

通过我的阅读和学习的主要和次要的先知,他们都有基本相同的预言,崇拜偶像和虚假神是一个罪,上帝厌恶,不会容忍。他承诺将惩罚以色列和犹大人民最严厉的这罪,因为偶像崇拜,是他们最猖獗的犯罪。当然,其他罪包括通奸、偷窃、撒谎、欺骗、谋杀、和卖淫也将最终摧毁他们,和未来命运的先知宣扬如果人们不悔改,扭转他们的生活和生活的戒律和法律设定的耶和华他们的神。以西结服事他代人极其罪恶和彻底的绝望。通过他的预言他试图让他们立即悔改和信心在遥远的未来。他教:1)神是通过人类的使者;2)即使在失败和绝望上帝的人们需要肯定神的主权;3)上帝的话语永远不会失败;4)上帝存在,可以在任何地方崇拜;5)人们必须服从上帝,如果他们希望得到祝福;6)上帝的王国会来。像耶利米,以西结相信孩子的旧学说被惩罚他们父亲的罪错了。所以,以西结说:“义人谁做什么只是和righta€¦他必定存活。”(以西结18:5-9)。以西结,因为神说,“我要审判你,每一个(即根据他的方法。自己的行为)。“作为被以西结,“如果义(即。好),法力€¦邪恶,他将diea€¦如果恶人转离他的wickednessa€¦,他将livea€¦”(以西结33:18-19)。以西结被告知提醒的人,所以,如果人们没有悔改,以西结不会负责。(以西结33:9)。以西结,而从他的家乡,巴比伦,得知上帝不仅是以色列的神。相反,他是一个主权的神,他命令和控制所有人民和所有国家。这是新的东西,我从以西结,我不记得阅读或学习从任何其他的先知。相关的其他先知和解说员说所有上帝的预期以色列和犹大的人,也没有其他国家。在巴比伦,以西结知道耶和华是上帝的所有国家和上帝选择以西结传播他的话的人。他变得贪婪地致力于神的话语。在以西结34,上帝谴责以色列的领导人是错误的牧羊人的可怜的关心他的人。而不是照顾以色列的羊,他们照顾自己吃好,well-clothed,护理得当的人一直放在(以西结34:1-3)。相比之下,耶稣是好牧人为羊舍命躺下来,谁保护他们从狼人会破坏羊群(John 10:11 - 12)。同样可以看到今天Sadaam侯赛因等领导人,朝鲜的领导人和沙特阿拉伯,非洲国家的独裁者以及丰富、富有和强大的世界各地。虽然他们住在豪华和暴食,他们的人民在挨饿,不合理的饲料,衣服和遭受贫穷卫生最终导致疾病和死亡。耶稣基督,穷人牧羊人牺牲这一切宽恕我们的罪,医治病人,受伤,软弱,失去了人。是他寻求并保存,丢失(路加福音19:10)。


Through my readings and studying of the major and minor prophets, they all had basically the same prophecies that worshipping idols and false Gods was the one sin that God detested and would not tolerate. He promised to punish the people of Israel and Judah the harshest for this sin because, idolatry, was their most rampant sin. Of course, other sins including adultery, stealing, lying, cheating, murder, and prostitution would also eventually destroy them, and the prophets preached of future doom if the people didn't repent, and turn their lives around and live by the commandments and laws set forth by The Lord Their God. Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. By means of his prophetic ministry he attempted to bring them to immediate repentance and to confidence in the distant future. He taught that: 1) God works through human messengers; 2) Even in defeat and despair God's people need to affirm God's sovereignty; 3) God's Word never fails; 4) God is present and can be worshipped anywhere; 5) People must obey God if they expect to receive blessings; and 6) God's Kingdom will come. Like Jeremiah, Ezekiel believed that the old doctrine of children being punished for their father's sins was wrong. So, Ezekiel was saying that "a righteous man who does what is just and right…he will surely live." (Ezekiel 18:5-9). And, Ezekiel, speaking for God, said "I will judge you, each one according to his ways (i.e., his own actions)." As seen by Ezekiel, "If a righteous (i.e., good) man…does evil, he will die…And if a wicked man turns away from his wickedness…, he will live…" (Ezekiel 33:18-19). Ezekiel was told to warn the people, so that if the people then did not repent, Ezekiel would not be responsible. (Ezekiel 33:9). Ezekiel, while taken from his homeland, to Babylon, learned that God is not just the God of Israel. Instead, He is a sovereign God, who commands and controls all people and all nations. This is something new that I learned from Ezekiel, which I did not remember reading or learning from any other of the prophets. The other prophets related and prophesized all of God's expectations to the people of Israel or Judah, and no other nations. In Babylon, Ezekiel learned that The Lord was God of all nations and God choose Ezekiel to spread His Word to the people. He became avidly devoted to God's Word. In Ezekiel 34, God denounces the leaders of Israel as false shepherds for their poor care of His people. Instead of caring for the sheep of Israel, they cared for themselves by eating well, well-clothed, and well-cared for by the very people they has been placed over (Ezekiel 34:1-3). By contrast, Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep and who protects them from the wolves who would destroy the flock (John 10: 11-12). The same can be seen today with leaders such as Sadaam Hussein, the leaders of North Korea and Saudi Arabia, the dictators of the African countries as well as the rich, wealthy and powerful all over the world. While they live in luxury and gluttony, their people are starving, poorly feed, poorly clothed and suffer from poor hygiene which leads to sickness and eventually death. Jesus Christ, the poor shepherd sacrificed all of this to forgive our sins, heal the sick, injured, weak and lost people. He is the one who seeks and saves that which is lost (Luke 19:10).


