澳洲墨尔本艺术学assignment代写 乌托邦

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托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)的《乌托邦》(Utopia)描述了一种理想化的公共“乌托邦社会”,但它与财富驱动的英国社会有相似之处。两者的相似之处强调了这样一个观点,即两个社会都不是完美的,一个对每个人都有益的社会是否真的可以实现。他表明“钱是没有用的”,在安特卫普没有任何价值。关于财富的规范被颠覆,因为乌托邦的目的是在公民中设立一个平等的标准,在这里“一切都是平等的”,在现代生活中被认为有价值的物质主义被忽视和讽刺。黄金不仅是财富的象征,而且具有很高的经济价值和农业价值,但由于“最臭名昭著的罪犯戴着金戒指”几乎是一种耻辱,所以黄金被认为是不重要的。每个人在维持社区的过程中都贡献了自己的劳动义务,因此,信任被用作他们生活方式的基础,然而,如果不服从奴隶制度,它就会成为一种强化。奴隶制存在于一个完美的乌托邦世界中,这一观点表明,如果苦难和人们受到的“更严厉的对待”没有被废除,在自由无法惠及所有人的地方,或许现代的乌托邦观点就无法真正实现。适当的惩罚取决于犯罪的程度。提到圣经十诫,“上帝禁止我们杀人”被用作道德准则,而不是遵循政府的法律来显示教会的重要性。基督教在16世纪是不可分割的,具有高度的影响力,所以更多的谴责社会试图扮演上帝的角色,“是什么阻止人类使用同样的原则来决定”谁拥有合法的权力。因此,也许更多的是针对这样一种观点,即人类没有足够的道德立场来决定什么是应受惩罚的,或者一种罪行的错误程度,甚至可能滥用这种责任。由于在这个乌托邦式的社会中缺乏个性,因此,乌托邦究竟是友好的象征还是约束的象征,是值得怀疑的。虽然越来越多的人声称自己是“快乐的”,但他们的与世隔绝使他们对独立的可能性一无所知。因为他们受到统治者的影响,所以他们必须得到“许可”才能离开这个地区,剥夺了他们简单的自由意志的人权。作为一个现代的读者,这种自由的缺乏就像一个监狱般的社会,角色被指定,人们被限制在一个特定的区域。这在21世纪是不可接受的,并最终表明莫尔的乌托邦是简单的讽刺,目的是嘲笑英国的类似社会。

澳洲墨尔本艺术学assignment代写 乌托邦

Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ describes a version of an idealistic communal “Utopian Society”, which however contains parallels to the wealth driven English society. The similarities between the two emphasises the idea that neither societies are perfect and whether a society beneficial for everyone is truly ever achievable.he shows that “money is of no use” and does not have any value in the city of Antwerp. Norms regarding wealth are subverted as the land of Utopia aims to set an equal standard amongst the citizens, where by “everything is equalized” and materialism which is arguably valued in modern day life, is disregarded and satirized. Gold which is not only symbolic of wealth but also has high economical and agricultural worth, is presented to be of very little importance as “the most notorious criminals wear gold rings” as almost a mark of shame. Everyone contributes to their labor duties in sustaining the community, where trust is therefore used as a foundation for their way of life, yet if disobeyed slavery becomes the reinforcement. The idea of slavery being present in a perfect Utopian world suggests that perhaps modern views of Utopia cannot really be achieved if suffering and people being “treated more harshly” is not abolished and where freedom is not available for all. appropriate punishment depending on the degree of crime. Referring to the biblical 10 Commandments, “God forbade us to kill anyone” is used as moral guidelines as opposed to following the laws of a government showing the importance of the Church. Christianity was integral and highly influential in the 16th century and so More rebukes society’s attempts to almost play God as “what is it to prevent humans from using the same principles to decide” on who is of rightful power. Therefore, perhaps More is addressing the idea that humans do not have sufficient moral standing to decide what is punishable or the degree of wrong a crime is and perhaps even abuse this responsibility. Due to the lack of individuality within this Utopian society, it is questionable as to whether Utopia is in fact a symbol of amiability or restraint. Though More claims people are “cheerful”, their seclusion makes them ignorant to the possibility of independence. It is because they are under the influence of a ruler, must they require “permission” to leave the district, denying them the simple human right of free will. As a modern day reader, this lack of freedom resembles a prison like society where roles are designated and people are confined within a specific region. This is unacceptable in the twenty-first century and ultimately suggests that More’s Utopia is simple satirical, with the purpose to mock England’s similar society.

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