
5年前 414次浏览 澳洲BSBRSK501代写:风险管理已关闭评论

Please complete the following activities and submit this workbook via your online learning account under the unit of BSBRSK501 Manage risks..To demonstrate competency for this Unit of Competency, you are required to complete and submit the Learner Workbook.This workbook contains one (1) Practical Project, ALL of which must be answered in full (i.e. all component parts of EACH question must be answered).You MUST Answer all parts of tasks in the spaces provided, unless otherwise directed by or negotiated directly with your assessor; Clearly identify which part of the question your response relates to (where applicable). Attach required documents at the end of this workbook as specified in the tasks. You will be assessed on its effectiveness and accuracy in Demonstrating the knowledge and understanding required by the question Communicating ideas and information using relevant workplace examples and industry terminology Presenting a logical, cohesive, correct and complete response Answers to all questions and their component parts (i.e. 100% of all questions) must meet the stated assessment criteria to be deemed to have satisfactorily completed this assessment task. Need assistance? Please contact your trainer for learning and assessment support.



