
5年前 371次浏览 珀斯社会学作业代写:看待道德已关闭评论



Ethics has been adressed from various perspectives and, consequently, defined from diverse standpoints. However, for the purpose of this essay it will be viewed beyond the prohibitive or sectional nature of it and instead address the meetpoint of most theories: considering ethics as a universal practice that trespasses the personal boundaries and the imposition of principles or expected conducts of individuals, and rather viewing it as the reciprocal influence of giving the same importance to each participants’ Once this perspective is identified, it will be brought up in discussion a more individual and conductual approach, deepening into “the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group”Talking about ethics in the workplace environment, it is focused on the relationship between profitability and ethical behavior at various levels of the organization, adressing the influence of each of the spheres – personal, organizational, and systemic – among each other and its impact of the applied practices According to Grosser, Moon and Nelson , even though general perspectives of Ethics can be used to address dillemas at the workplace, there has also been a growing area of theorization surrounding the particularities of business ethics.Starting with the identification of the different approaches, two main blocks will de addressed: the prescriptive –grossly considered the moral guide that assumes people’s desire is to take the right decisions – and the descriptive – building up on the idea of the psychological individual influences on decision-making.


