
6年前 414次浏览 澳洲教育学论文代写:同性恋学生已关闭评论

作为一名同性恋学生,通过直接针对他们的恐同欺凌行为,会在学校产生偏见和不平等,这种欺凌行为在小学很普遍。Stonewall(2009)的一项研究虽然令人担忧,但却很有启发性。该研究发现,44%的小学老师表示,他们学校的孩子经历过恐同欺凌、辱骂或骚扰。教师工会NASUWT引用Rivers(2000年)的一项研究,强调了女同性恋和男同性恋学生在学校中遭遇的虐待性同性恋歧视的各种例子,包括辱骂、身体和性侵犯。NASUWT指出,性别认同研究和教育协会(GIRES)的研究表明,学校的孩子也会经历性别差异,从而使他们成为恐跨性别欺凌的潜在目标。在Stonewall的研究(2009)中,17%的老师报告说“表现得像男孩的女孩”会受到欺负。Stonewall和NASUWT都明白恐变性欺凌是恐同欺凌的补充,与恐同欺凌不同:有性别认同问题的年轻同性恋女孩遭受恐变性和恐同欺凌的双重风险。这种欺凌很可能导致低自尊和自残和自杀沉思的风险(DCSF 2007)。目前尚不清楚这种学习支持将如何适应新修订的国家PSHE框架,也不清楚有性别认同问题的同性恋学生将如何被纳入学生的声音中,PSHE协会(2014)正确地断言,在塑造学校的PSHE课程中,学生的声音是必要的。


Being a homosexual pupil generates prejudice and inequality in schools through homophobic bullying directly against them, and this bullying is rife in primary schools. An illuminating, though worrying, study by Stonewall (2009) found that 44 percent of primary school teachers stated that children in their schools experienced homophobic bullying, name-calling or harassment. Citing a study by Rivers (2000), the teacher’s union NASUWT highlights a variety of examples of abusive homophobic prejudice experienced by lesbian and gay pupils in school, including from name-calling to physical and sexual assault. The NASUWT point to research by the Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) which shows that school children can also experience gender variance, thus making them potential targets for transphobic bullying. In the Stonewall study (2009), a significant 17 percent of teachers report that ‘girls who act like boys’ are bullied. Both Stonewall and the NASUWT understand that transphobic bullying is additional to, and different from, homophobic bullying: young homosexual girls with gender identity issues suffer the two-fold risk of transphobic as well as homophobic bullying. Such bullying is likely to cause low self-esteem and the risk of self-harm and suicidal contemplation (DCSF 2007). It is unclear how this learning support will fit in the emerging revised national framework for PSHE, nor how homosexual students with gender identity issues will be included in the pupil voice which the PSHE Association (2014) rightly asserts is needed in shaping schools’ PSHE curriculum.

