
7年前 329次浏览 澳洲国立戏剧艺术学校:负面影响已关闭评论

在任何情况下,不只是可怕的刻板印象的原因在人的负面影响。伟大的刻板印象也可以是破坏性的,造成新的问题。他们更为残忍,因为人们不注意他们带来了恶作剧。在文章“为什么刻板印象是可怕的其实当他们'伟大'”,分布在网站guardian.co.uk,Oliver Burkeman澄清如何伟大的刻板印象可以使另一个问题,性别歧视和偏见。这对许多人来说是不安全的。Burkeman的论点是坐落在杜克大学的发现,建设性的刻板印象可以破坏在不同情况下没有个人承认他们做这样的研究。在这项研究中的成员提出了假文章确定暗individuals.the主要文章是必然的,表明黑暗个体更好的游戏。在第一篇文章中的成员不明白这是一个刻板印象。接着,成员们发表了一篇反对文章,内容是黑暗的人更倾向于残忍。当被要求衡量一个典型的非洲裔美国人可能犯下错误的理论安排的可能性时,呈现在正面印象中的个人评价的概率比那些呈阴性的人高。建设性的刻板印象(“伟大的比赛”)显然更悲观的信念促使黑暗的个体比消极的(“倾向于邪恶”)”(Burkeman)。这表明,大而可畏的刻板印象是一样可怕的理由是它导致预断,促使更多的问题。


In any case not just awful stereotypes reason negative impacts in people. Great stereotypes can likewise be destructive and cause new issues. They are far more atrocious in light of the fact that individuals are not mindful they are bringing about mischief. In the article "Why stereotypes are terrible actually when they're 'great'", distributed in the site guardian.co.uk, Oliver Burkeman clarify how great stereotypes could make an alternate issues, for example, sexism and bigotry. This can be unsafe to numerous people. Burkeman contention is situated in a study by the Duke University that found that constructive stereotypes can be destructive in diverse circumstances without individuals acknowledging they are doing as such. In this study the members were presented to fake articles identified with dark individuals.the primary article was certain and demonstrated that dark individuals are better at games. In this first article the members didn't understand this was a stereotype. Next the members were presented to an antagonistic article about that dark individuals are more inclined to brutality. "At the point when asked to gauge the likelihood that a theoretical arrangement of individuals with ordinarily African-American names may carry out a wrongdoing, individuals presented to the positive stereotype appraised that probability as higher than did those presented to a negative one. The constructive stereotype ("great at games") evidently prompted stronger pessimistic convictions about dark individuals than the negative one ("inclined to viciousness")" (Burkeman). This shows how great and terrible stereotypes are just as awful on the grounds that it causes prejudgment and prompts more concerning issues.

