
7年前 367次浏览 澳洲阿德莱德论文代写:精神动力学已关闭评论



The psychodynamic approach states that, behaviour is not learned but caused by forces in the unconscious unlike the cognitive approach which states that behaviour is learned as we process information and mental changes in important ways over time. Psychodynamic approach considers behaviour as predetermined. They point out that different parts of the mind are in constant dynamic struggle with each other, so individuals have no control over their behaviour but the cognitive approach regard behaviour as not predetermined. It states that we always have power to change cognition. Psychodynamic approach is regarded as unscientific because it cannot be measured or manipulated, whereas cognitive approach is regarded as scientific since it considers the brain is similar to a computer where information can be manipulated. Unlike cognitive approach, psychodynamic approach mainly focuses on early childhood behaviours.The main differences are the approach in which each theory takes in determining the cause of mental illness or mal adjusted behaviour eg psychodynamic perspective focuses more so on unconscious process while cognitive perspective focuses more so on mental processes.

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