
7年前 370次浏览 澳洲堪培拉论文代写:命运的安排已关闭评论



As fate would have it, the Peoples Partnership Party was successful in the 2010 general election and hastened to fulfill their campaign promise to all SEA students even as the debate continued. But, for so many of us, change is always so hard to swallow and the efforts to introduce the laptops provoked a variety of responses from the general public in Trinidad and Tobago. The responses ranged from enthusiasm and skepticism to apathy and downright opposition. The editorial pages of the daily newspapers were filled with letters expressing the fears and concerns of citizens. For some these fears and concerns were genuine, whilst for others, one could haer the voice of political antagonists and supporters within every sentence read. Concerns included theft, damage, security and durability of the device in such young hands. There were also many fears and concerns expressed because of a lack of information or the spread of incorrect information. The new members of the opposition, as well as members of the general public argued that putting a laptop in the hands of all form one SEA students did not make sense either fiscally, educationally, or philosophically. There were incessant calls to discontinue the plans to distribute the laptops, but the government strongly defended its decision regarding the eCAL programme, emphasizing that the laptops would enhance the learning environment for both teachers and students and vowed to keep its promise.

